Kasper Andreasen transforms registrations of place and time through the gesture of drawing or writing.

© Kasper AndreasenArtist’s book, Amsterdam, 2004, Black marker and screen print (cover), 20 x 29 cm, 200 pp, ed: 10

"Think Straight is an attempt to draw straight lines one after the other across 500 sheets of paper, which were then bound into 10 books of 100 sheets each. Consequently the act of drawing became performative in relation to thinking, as each line is one illustration within a range of possible straight lines; it records what you might call a psycho­geographical space. On the back inside cover is an image of the ‘receipts,’ the marks that were left over on either side of the sheet of paper after repeatedly drawing lines from one end to the other."

© Kasper AndreasenArtist’s book, Amsterdam, 2005, Screen print, 17 x 24 cm, 32 pp, ed: 150

"I Drew Some Names from a Hat is a screen-printed book that brings together drawings by 10 artists. Each contributor was asked to make an original drawing on a piece of film from which the screen prints were then directly made. The contributions include images of landscapes and interiors, portraits, texts, and emblems, and as such they give an overview of contemporary print­making in bookform. Among the contributors were Armando Andrade Tudela, Nathalie Bissig, Tim Braden, Arjan van Helmond, Sarah Infanger, Brede Korsmo, Louis Lüthi, Iwan van’t Spijker. Cover by Will Holder. Initiated by Tine Melzer and produced with Kees Maas."

© Kasper Andreasen, Land Route, Exhibition publication, Atelier Rijksbouwmeester, The Hague, 2010, Offset, 19 x 27 cm, 48 pp, ed: 700

"Land Route is a companion volume to the permanent installation, consisting of a large wall drawing (reproduced on the dust jacket) and a video, that was made for the new reception room at the Museum of Literature in The Hague. A selection of the drawings, sketches, and writings that led to the conception and production of the wall drawing are included, as are stills from the video Psychography, which shows the writing of a series of text-like forms in reverse, a text by Louis Lüthi called ‘Compass Rose’, and documents from the museum’s archive. Designed by Louis Lüthi."

Drawings at the Biennale in Venice

© Patrick Van Caeckenbergh & courtesy Zeno X Gallery
Drawings of Old Trees (summer 2010)
2010(18,5 x 28,6) + (20,2 x 19,2) + (27,3 x 17,0) cm
pentel 120 3DX - 0,5 mm A315 on paper

© Patrick Van Caeckenbergh & courtesy Zeno X Gallery
Drawings of Old Trees (summer 2010)2010(18,5 x 28,6) + (20,2 x 19,2) + (27,3 x 17,0) cm
pentel 120 3DX - 0,5 mm A315 on paper

 © Patrick Van Caeckenbergh & courtesy Zeno X Gallery
Drawings of Old Trees (summer 2010)
2010(18,5 x 28,6) + (20,2 x 19,2) + (27,3 x 17,0) cm
pentel 120 3DX - 0,5 mm A315 on paper

Drawings at the Biennale in Venice

© Stefan Bertalan, Sunflower, 1980, Doppelseite, je 46,2 x 32,4 cm x double page, each 18.2 x 12.8 in., Kreidestift, Filzstift und schwarze Tinte auf Papier - chalk, felt-tip pen and black ink on paper

© Stefan Bertalan & courtesy gallerySunflower & Sunflower Layout, (1980)
Filzstift, Tusche und Bleistift auf Papier - felt-tip pen, India ink and pencil on paper
Doppelseite, je 54,9 x 32,5 cm - double page, each 21.6 x 12.8 in
© Stefan Bertalan & courtesy gallery, Untitled (Network with strong lines), 1978
Tusche auf Papier (Federzeichnung) - India ink on paper (pen drawing)
35,2 x 50,2 cm - 13.8 x 19.8 in.

curated by Massimiliano Gioni, The Encyclopedic Palace, La Biennale di Venezia 

till 2013, November 24, Arsenale, Venice, Italy

Drawings at the Biennale in Venice

© Channa Horwitz, Variation + Invertion on a Rhythm Matrix #1 (1990)

© Courtesy of the Artist and SolwayJonesChanna Horwitz, Canon I , ink on mylar , 29 x 42 inches (1982)

curated by Massimiliano Gioni, The Encyclopedic Palace, La Biennale di Venezia 
till 2013, November 24, Arsenale, Venice, Italy
Drawings at the Biennale in Venice

© Courtesy of the artist Lin Xue & Gallery EXITUntitled NO.5. ink on paper in artist's frame, 33 x 48 cm framed (1995-2008)

© Courtesy of the artist Lin Xue & Gallery EXITink on paper78.1 x 52.4 cm framed (2010)

curated by Massimiliano Gioni, The Encyclopedic Palace, La Biennale di Venezia 
till 2013, November 24, Arsenale, Venice, Italy

Drawings at the Biennale in Venice

"The exercise of the imagination through writing and drawing is a recurring motif in the exhibition. (...) José Antonio Suárez Londoño translates into images the diaries of Franz Kafka. " (1) Massimiliano Gioni

José Antonio Suárez Londoño makes every day drawings in small notebooks, based on a specific literary text.

© José Antonio Suárez Londoño, Untitled. MOMA collection, Watercolor, pencil and ink on paper (2002)

© José Antonio Suárez Londoño, Untitled. MOMA collection, Watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, 35.6 x 43.2 cm (2001)

(1) Massimiliano Gioni, The Encyclopedic Palace, La Biennale di Venezia 
till 2013, November 24, Giardini, Venice, Italy