© Nel Aerts, De averechtse val, color book, 24 x 33 cm, 150 + 50 ex.
The young artist Nel Aerts (1987°) is known for the use of very divers media. She recently added painting to the ones she used before. She explains in De Witte Raaf (1) how the interaction of her colorful collages and the development of her recent paintings fascinates her. She talks about their common character of compaction in a visual language.
An exposition of Jean Brusselmans and several iconic images from painters as Walter Swennen and Philip Guston directed her first wood paintings.
The work of Aerts is at the same time playful and absurd, poetic and grotesque. She questions her world and position as a young artist. She is always somehow present in her work.
© Nel Aerts, Selfportrait (behind the mask), b/w photograph
(1) Koen Brams, Soetkin en Toon Beerten, Het begin van het kunstenaarschap: een gesprek met Nel Aerts. De Witte Raaf, jaargang 27, nr.161, p.19 (januari - februari 2013)
De averechtse val van Huize Frankendael - Nel Aerts